If you have requested payments from your customer via any of the options that ivorypay offers, it is normal that you confirm if such payment has been made. You can confirm all payment transactions on your ivorypay dashboard.
There are two ways to confirm new payments on your ivorypay dashboard. The first option is to view your available balance. Once a customer makes payment to you, ivorypay automatically updates your existing balance to reflect the new payment. This will be reflected in the crypto currency which your customer made payments - USDT, USDC, or SOL.
However, if you do not have a clear idea of your existing balance, you could use the second option. The second option is to check your recent transactions. This option is available on your ivorypay dashboard.
If you expect multiple payments, you might want to have a broad view of all your transactions. In this instance, simply click on the PAYMENTS dropdown that is located on the left side of your screen. Then select Transactions. You will instantly see a breakdown of all the transactions that have taken place on your ivorypay account.
See image below: